Procrastination is the ENEMY of success!
21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastination
Here I am again, and this time with a book review. Review of an international bestseller book by Brain Tracy named "Eat That Frog!". Here are the 21 Ways to Stop Procrastination given in the book, gist of each chapter written in just two lines:
1) Set the Table:
Write down your goals! If you're clear with what you have to achieve, you're very less likely to procrastinate.
2) Plan Every Day in Advance:
Sit down every day before sleep and write down what are the things that you have to do tomorrow. Add them to your google calendar so that you get timely reminders even if you forget.
3) Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything:
Find out which 20% of activities you're planning to do are going to contribute most to your life. Focus on completing those top-20% activities first in your day.
4) Consider the Consequences:
Think Long Term! You have to decide between these two things every time - "What you want now or what you want most." This decision is going to take you respective consequences.
5) Practice Creative Procrastination:
If you're not willing to do the thing right in front of you, do some other bit interesting thing that you planned to do some other time of the day.
6) Use ABCDE Method Continually:
Assign priority to all your tasks and write "A" in front of the most prior task! Make a decision to not jump to any other task until you're done with "A" tasks. Then similarly for "B" tasks and ahead.
7) Focus on Key Result Areas:
Be more skilled in whatever you do. The more skilled you become, the less likely you are to
procrastinate in the tasks related to the skill.
procrastinate in the tasks related to the skill.
8) Apply the Law of Three:
Find out the three major aspects of your life that will significantly impact your life if mastered correctly. Leave every other thing and just focus on those three aspects.
9) Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin:
Clean up your desk and place all the necessary things that you might for the task you're about to start. Then make a decision to not get up from work until that task is completed.
10) Take It One Oil Barrel at a Time:
Review the goals you've written in point one and write down the steps required to complete those goals. Write down sub-steps as well if possible and focus on the smallest step only.
11) Upgrade Your Key Skills:
Upgrading your key skills is one of the most important personal productivity principles. Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.
12) Identify Your Key Constraints:
Ask yourself, "What decides the speed with which I achieve my goals?", "What is stopping me from getting the most out of my day?". Just make sure you get different answers next time you ask these questions.
13) Put the Pressure on Yourself:
The greatest pusher that we need in our lives is a deadline. Make deadlines and sub-deadlines of all your goals and tasks. Put some pressure on yourself to complete them within the defined deadline.
14) Motivate Yourself into Action:
Be optimistic. It is easily said than done. Optimistic people seem more effective in almost every area of life. Always remember, you become what you think!
15) Technology is a Terrible Master:
Create zones of silence during the day for a digital detoxification. Turn off the notifications on all your devices. You'll be amazed at what happens: nothing.
16) Technology is a Wonderful Servant:
Resolve to research and install one software or one app that will help you be more efficient and focused. (My personal favorite is the "savemytime" app).
17) Focus Your Attention:
Refuse to become a slave to everything that distracts you from completing the tasks that can make a real difference in your life. Ask yourself, "Is this taking me closer to where I want to be?".
18) Slice and Dice the task:
Become action-oriented. If you get something into your mind, take action immediately. Don't delay. Most things on which we don't take action suddenly disappear from our minds forever!
19) Create Large Chunks of Time:
Organize your days around large blocks of time to concentrate for extended periods on your most important tasks.
20) Develop a Sense of Urgency:
When you are given a task or responsibility, take care of it quickly and report back fast. Move rapidly in every important area of your life. Become known as a person who things quickly and well.
21) Single Handle Every Task:
Humans are not made for multi-tasking. Select one task and resolve to get it done without diversion or distraction. Focus on one thing at a time.
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